in Landaff received letters from two selectmen regarding the upcoming election
and meeting in our town. One
selectmen is asking for our vote to reelect him. The other letter was written by Mike Ransmeier “as a private
citizen” expressing some ideas he has if all his fantasies come true and the
fire department goes away.
I was amused by the format of Errol's letter that
mirrored the letter we had received from Harry McGovern the week before. I am glad he recognized a winning
formula for setting out his talking points. He referenced having worked with the fire fighters who
started the department. For those
who haven’t been in town 30 years, the reference was to Ernest O’Dell, Herman
Titus, and Norman Heath, whose hard work and community spirit started the fire
sure Errol has done much for this town.
I was on the school board with him for a while. He did a good job in that role.
However, to say that he doesn’t have an agenda and treats all citizens with
respect in his duty of selectman is laughable. In January, I went to a select board meeting to ask some
questions regarding misinformation about the fire department that had been
stated at the previous meeting.
Errol immediately raised his voice about it and went on a rant about how
the fire association took money intended for the town regarding a training burn
and subsequent donation.
the following Select Board meeting, the people who donated to the fire
association reiterated that they intended to give money to the association and
not the town. The damage had
already been done, however. It is
clear that his agenda is to be as uncivil and uncooperative with the fire
department as possible. Both Mike
Ransmeier and Errol Peters have repeatedly impugned the honesty of the fire
department members and the fire association for past 15 years.
department members receive absolutely no compensation for what they do. They donate hours upon hours in
training, meeting, and serving our community because they love our town. They have been the driving force behind
Old Home Day for many years. My
husband Don personally devotes hours upon hours organizing it. Now one of our selectmen has the idea
that all that money raised and donated could be given to Lisbon upon
liquidating the department. The
money would run out in three years or less and voila, no department and we
would be permanently beholden to the town of Lisbon. To do that would be both shortsighted and wrong.
Ransmeier also mentions in his letter that the department will need a tanker
soon. That is pure fiction. Nobody has asked for a tanker. There is not a need for one in the near
future. The tanker is sufficient
for Landaff. The figures thrown
around are made up numbers as well.
continues to be rumblings about building a new fire station. This is another made up scenario. A station could not be built without a
vote of the townspeople. There is
no plan, there are no numbers, and there is no request for a station. Landaff Fire Department wants to be
here with or without a new station. They will not be going rogue and building a
station and demand you pay for it. Stop spreading that rumor.
abolish the fire department, you would permanently be losing their response in
town. Most Landaff fire fighters
would not join the Lisbon department.
They serve Landaff because they love our town.
Twin State Fire Association recently changed its bylaws to charge fees to towns
that do not have fire departments when they are called upon for an
incident. This means that any fire
call would have an additional charge assessed. The department is called for smoke and CO detector calls,
downed trees, car accidents, flooding, odd smells, smoke investigations,
illegal burns, and all kinds of fires.
With this change in place, Landaff could generate revenue with any calls
to Lyman or Benton. Without a department, we would be charged for every single
call in town (even accidents on 302) and neighboring towns would lose our
response and help.
are the facts. I have included no
fiction or fantasy scenarios. I
hope the people of Landaff will do the right thing. I will be voting for Harry
McGovern for select board. I will
vote to keep the fire department.
Please do the same.