On November 11th Garnet Rogers returns! The potluck begins at5:30 pm followed by the concert at 7:00 pm. Please reserve a seat if you plan to attend this concert. Note that these times are slightly different from the usual times! At Garnet's request, please bring a donation (non-perishable food or personal care item) for the local food pantry. Thanks to his request, we started to make this a regular part of our concert series.
If there is enough interest, we could do a jam following the concert. Any musicians who receive this and who plan to attend, let me know if you would like to add a jam. It was great fun when we did it after Kerry & Tim's concert a few weeks back.
Please forward this link to your local friends and encourage them to subscribe at https://tinyletter.com/ north-country-community- announcements
Well, the Sweetback Sisters were indeed sweet. What a concert! And they hung out with us until 2:00 the next afternoon and that was the frosting on the cake. Imagine making breakfast while Jesse played his guitar and sang in close proximity. Now, if I could arrange for that everyday, a decent breakfast for Bill might be more than just a passing fancy!
I have contributed to their kickstarter campaign to raise funds for a touring van. We had to use a shoe horn to get them all back into their present van - and one band member was absent! If you are inclined to back this project here is the link. Every $5 donation helps and, if by chance they have reached their goal by the time you visit the site, any extra could go to cruise control or nifty snow tires! http://www.kickstarter.com/ projects/247060950/send-the- sweetback-sisters-off-in-a- new-tour-van/backers?page=1
These live music events help to build community. Thanks for being a part of them. In that vain, please consider subscribing to North Country Community Announcements, a community service provided by one of the "regulars" at these house concerts, Tova Cohen. We need more subscribers to keep this valuable service going!
I hope to see you at the Garnet Rogers concert! It will be the last one until at least after the holidays!
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