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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Election time in Landaff

I see by the posting in the town center that our town had a 90% voting rate for the election.

Romney-Ryan 109
Obama-Biden  133

Lamontagne   109
Hassan           131

Bass               116
Kuster          108

Sorg  112
Ford 108

Burton  176
Funicella 44

Sunday, November 4, 2012

On November 11th Garnet Rogers returns

On November 11th Garnet Rogers returns! The potluck begins at5:30 pm followed by the concert at 7:00 pm. Please reserve a seat if you plan to attend this concert. Note that these times are slightly different from the usual times! At Garnet's request, please bring a donation (non-perishable food or personal care item) for the local food pantry. Thanks to his request, we started to make this a regular part of our concert series. 

If there is enough interest, we could do a jam following the concert. Any musicians who receive this and who plan to attend, let me know if you would like to add a jam. It was great fun when we did it after Kerry & Tim's concert a few weeks back. 

Well, the Sweetback Sisters were indeed sweet. What a concert! And they hung out with us until 2:00 the next afternoon and that was the frosting on the cake. Imagine making breakfast while Jesse played his guitar and sang in close proximity. Now, if I could arrange for that everyday, a decent breakfast for Bill might be more than just a passing fancy!

I have contributed to their kickstarter campaign to raise funds for a touring van. We had to use a shoe horn to get them all back into their present van - and one band member was absent! If you are inclined to back this project here is the link. Every $5 donation helps and, if by chance they have reached their goal by the time you visit the site, any extra could go to cruise control or nifty snow tires!

These live music events help to build community. Thanks for being a part of them. In that vain, please consider subscribing to North Country Community Announcements, a community service provided by one of the "regulars" at these house concerts, Tova Cohen. We need more subscribers to keep this valuable service going! 

Please forward this link to your local friends and encourage them to subscribe at

I hope to see you at the Garnet Rogers concert! It will be the last one until at least after the holidays!